Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Новые модели, концепты и прототипы

Модераторы: Typhoon, russiangirl, Лютег

Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение alfaman » Сб дек 20, 2008 2:09 pm

Всетаки пресса дело интересное. Fiat к французам за деньгами поехали, PSA за микрики расплатиться не может. Вот и решали чем французы будут долги отдавать. :-D А журналисты нечего не знают и сами додумывают.
EX: AR 33. Permanent 4. Zender.
SRY!!! nu net u menja sej4as russkoj klavi!!!
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение cоlombо » Сб дек 20, 2008 2:50 pm

Ляхов писал(а):
max_pershin писал(а):В 2009 мы увидим только 500 Кабрио и 149.

Быстрый Митька накрылся медным тазом?

Имеется ввиду в линейке новых моделей.
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение ez » Вс дек 21, 2008 1:06 am

max_pershin писал(а):
Ляхов писал(а):
max_pershin писал(а):В 2009 мы увидим только 500 Кабрио и 149.

Быстрый Митька накрылся медным тазом?

Имеется ввиду в линейке новых моделей.

Кстати, в прошлом месяце Митька с 11 поднялся на 7 место. Пока что у себя в
Италии конечно. Но тоже неплохо.
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение zopuh » Чт дек 25, 2008 5:17 pm

жолтая пресса пишет
Toyota ожидает сокращения прибыли по итогам 2008 финансового года почти на 91 проц
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение Xsi » Пт дек 26, 2008 9:53 pm

Новые автомобили БМВ подрожают примерно на 20%, думаю к другим европейским маркам это тоже относится. Это вступило в силу из за повышения евро и новых таможенных пошлин. :D ;-)
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение ez » Ср дек 31, 2008 3:18 am

Suspense писал(а):
Vit155 писал(а):Fiat-PSA could join to be world's No. 4 carmaker

А, ну вот 4-м SUV в семействе Mitsubishi Outlander XL, Citroen C-Crosser, Peugeot 4007 станет Alfa Romeo.

Ребята собираются выпустить большой седан - копию 4porte, верно? Преемника 166, так?
Ну пусть по такому же принципу выпустят компактный кроссовер на базе старшего брата. ... /2912.html
Чего тут мудрить?
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение cоlombо » Вс янв 11, 2009 12:38 pm

Fiat puts JV proposals to government for approval!

Fiat has reportedly put forward its plans for two joint venture agreements to the Chinese central government for approval. The plans appear to show that Fiat plans to work with both Chery, and Guangzhou Auto Group.

Chery and Fiat previously came to an agreement to produce the Alfa Romeo in China, but until now, no news of its Chinese domestic production came to light. Fiat also signed up with Guangzhou Auto to provide platforms and support for a range of new cars. Previously Fiat was signed up with Nanijng Automotive, but a rash of issues such as low sales, bland vehicles, and Nanjing being rather preoccupied with their new MG venture, prematurely ended their Nanjing JV.

The breakup of the Fiat-Nanjing JV left Fiat without access to any factories to produce any cars domestically in the PRC, and have thus been importing a varying range of small cars into China, however, sales of these imported models have been far from excellent.

Fiat is reportedly planning to work with Chang’an Suzuki to produce the Fiat Sedici in the PRC. The Sedici is essentially a remodeled Suzuki SX4 that both Fiat and Suzuki worked on, the two models are sold side by side in certain foreign markets, but it will be the first time Suzuki and Fiat have worked together in the PRC.

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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение cоlombо » Пн янв 12, 2009 8:07 pm

Luca De Meo resigned today from his various posts at Fiat group and Fiat Group Automobiles, people familiar to the matter told Automotive News Europe.
Fiat declined to comment.
The sources said De Meo is leaving the company to pursue new professional opportunities. They said he departs on good terms with Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne.
De Meo, 41, currently is Fiat group chief marketing officer as well as CEO of the Alfa Romeo and Abarth brands.
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение ez » Вт янв 13, 2009 4:06 am

max_pershin писал(а):
Luca De Meo resigned today from his various posts at Fiat group and Fiat Group Automobiles, people familiar to the matter told Automotive News Europe.
Fiat declined to comment.
The sources said De Meo is leaving the company to pursue new professional opportunities. They said he departs on good terms with Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne.
De Meo, 41, currently is Fiat group chief marketing officer as well as CEO of the Alfa Romeo and Abarth brands. ... al_pr.html

Момент интересный :-D

In 1992-97 he rose to positions of increasing responsibility in Sales & Marketing at Renault
in Italy & France, eventually becoming Product Manager. In 1988 he moved to Toyota Motor EU
where among other responsibilities he was in charge of Product Planning & Commercial Planning
Coordination for the Lexus brand :shock: & General Manager
, Product Management Division.

Ну вот-те, матушка, и Юрьев денёк :-D Он с Рено работал - получилось, с Лексусом получилось,
с АР - облом, бабуля, мы на корабле!
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение Лютег » Вт янв 13, 2009 10:44 am

Вот блин, только этого еще не хватало!.. :(
Мама, мы все тяжело больны
Мама, я знаю, мы все сошли с ума

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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение Touring* » Вт янв 13, 2009 8:10 pm

Ходят слухи, что Де Мео перейдет в VW на должность шефа маркетинга. Де Сильва, Эггер, Де Мео?
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение ez » Ср янв 14, 2009 5:47 am

Touring* писал(а):Ходят слухи, что Де Мео перейдет в VW на должность шефа маркетинга. Де Сильва, Эггер, Де Мео?

На условии, что VW выкупит акции AR наконец. Свет в конце тоннеля забрезжил. Впрочем, это тоже слухи.
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Зарегистрирован: Вс дек 30, 2007 4:37 pm
Откуда: Баку/Минск
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение Touring* » Ср янв 14, 2009 5:25 pm

Ходят слухи, что Фиат собирается плавно прикрыть завод в Помильяно, сейчас производящий 147/159/Gt.

- 147 уходит с рынка в 2010, Gt уйдет чуть позже.
- 159-ю должна сменить в 2011-2012 новая модель на платформе Эво-Х, аналогичной 149.
- не исключено, что 149 будут делать в Кассино, где сейчас собирают Браво.

- Мито собирают в Мирафиори.
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Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение Touring* » Ср янв 14, 2009 5:50 pm

14.01.2009 На место ушедшего СЕО Альфа Луки Де Мео назначен 48-летний уроженец Турина Серджо Краверо, работающий в Фиат с 1986 года.

Синьор Краверо имеет диплом инженера Туринского Политеха и диплом МВА Миланского Политеха, участвовал в разработке Барчетты, 147, Пунто, Ипсилон. С 2005 года он занимал должность шефа по маркетингу Альфа Ромео.

Главой Абарт назначен технический шеф всей Группы Фиат и Мазерати Харальд Вестер.
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Зарегистрирован: Пт июн 06, 2008 11:43 pm

Re: Fiat Group. Достижения/неудачи

Сообщение cоlombо » Ср янв 14, 2009 6:48 pm

Sergio Cravero appointed to head Alfa Romeo

Sergio Cravero has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Alfa Romeo Automobiles, where he served as head of marketing prior to today’s appointment. Mr. Cravero, 48, was born in Turin and holds a degree in mechanical engineering. He joined Fiat Group Automobiles in 1986 and has held various positions of growing responsibility in the technical, commercial and marketing areas.

Following this new appointment, responsibility for individual brands is as follows:

· Fiat: Lorenzo Sistino,

· Lancia: Olivier François,

· Alfa Romeo: Sergio Cravero,

· Fiat Professional: Lorenzo Sistino.

· Abarth: Harald Wester, who will continue in his role as Chief Technical Officer for Fiat Group and Chief Executive Officer of Maserati.

In addition, to enhance the effectiveness of Fiat Group Automobiles and further strengthen synergies within the company, four new transversal functions are being created.

The new functions are:

· Sales, assigned to Lorenzo Sistino, who will be responsible for coordinating commercial activities for the Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo brands. This new function will have responsibility for all markets.

· Brand Marketing Communication, assigned to Olivier François, who will be responsible for coordinating above-the-line and below-the-line communication activities for all brands.

· Product Portfolio Planning & Automotive Institutional Relations, assigned to Daniele Chiari, who will be responsible for planning for passenger vehicles and powertrain and for managing institutional relations for the Sector.

· Product Concept, assigned to Sergio Cravero, who will be responsible for coordinating product development of individual models and determining product initiatives for the Fiat, Lancia and Alfa Romeo brands.

Sergio Cravero, 48, was born in Turin. He graduated in mechanical engineering at Turin Politecnico and has a Masters in Business Administration from Milan Politecnico.

He joined Fiat Group Automobiles in 1986, in the Commercial division, where he worked as Product Manager and then Zone Manager for the Fiat brand. In 1991, he moved to the Product division where he was responsible for development of the Barchetta spider and, subsequently, for all Fiat and Lancia brand B segment models. In 1999, he returned to the Commercial area as Brand Manager for Alfa Romeo, where he was involved in development of the 147, awarded “2001 Car of the Year”. In 2002, he took over responsibility for the E development platform for the Fiat and Lancia brands. Since 2005, he has been head of marketing for Alfa Romeo.

Turin, 14 January 2009

Statement from the Chief Executive of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne

The reorganisation announced today represents an important step for Fiat Group Automobiles which will equip it to face future market challenges in the most efficient and immediate manner.

The changes we are experiencing in the automotive sector require that we adapt our organisational structure rapidly.

Mr. Cravero’s appointment as head of Alfa Romeo forms part of a specific Group strategy of developing personnel with the highest potential and involving them in the decision-making process. Mr. Cravero is a professional with considerable experience in both the engineering and commercial areas. I am convinced that he is the best possible choice for Alfa Romeo.

In parallel with Mr. Cravero’s appointment, we are establishing four new functions, which will have transversal responsibilities within the company while maintaining separate responsibility for each individual brand in order to protect and develop the specific identity and recognition of each brand in the market.

This new structure will enable us to achieve greater synergies and improved integration of those activities which are common to the various brands.

The reorganisation will also provide Fiat Group Automobiles with a much leaner and more flexible structure, increasing its ability to take advantage of new business opportunities and further reducing response times.

Turin, 14 January 2009
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