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Модераторы: Typhoon, russiangirl, Лютег
The Grande Punto Abarth Preview
The absolute star of the stand is the Grande Punto Abarth Preview, a true jewel of assertiveness and elegance. The car will be marketed in September, to enhance the sporty, youthful positioning of the Grande Punto.
The car on show in Geneva is equipped with a 1.4 Turbo petrol engine that delivers 150 bhp at 5500 rpm, boosted to 155 bhp by the adoption of 98 RON petrol. What is more, thanks to a booster kit, a version with twice as much power as the basic version (180 bhp) will soon be available. This is a revival of a tradition from the past: for example, the Fiat 500 of 1958 delivered 13 bhp at 4000 rpm with a top speed of 85 km/h, while the Fiat 500 Abarth of the same year delivered 26 bhp at 5000 rpm and a top speed of 118 km/h.
The Grande Punto Abarth aims to revive the feats of these entertaining performance cars, offering young drivers in particular an opportunity to enter the racing world in complete safety and at an accessible price.
max_pershin писал(а):6 ступенчатая коробка и самоблокирующийся дифференциал Торсен. Привод такой же как в 147 Альфе.
Якобы дизельный мотор не поставили на Альфу в серии, потому что коробка не способна держать такой момент.
max_pershin писал(а):На 2,4 коробка другая.
Q2 на обычных шинах показывает в поворотах больше 1g, не каждому полному приводу такое под силу
Grande Punto Abarth “essesse” prototype (Super Sport)
The absolute star of the stand is the Grande Punto Abarth “essesse” (Super Sport) prototype. A jewel of assertiveness and elegance, the car is offered with a booster kit that almost doubles its power output with relation to the basic model (up to almost 180 bhp). The ‘“essesse”’ kit also envisages a number of specific elements that accentuate both the sporty look of the Abarth model (for example adhesives with the ‘essesse’ logo or a chequered flag) and its dynamic behaviour, with a particular low stance or a more powerful braking system. This is a feature that maintains a brand tradition: for example, the Fiat 500 of 1958 delivered 13 bhp at 4000 rpm and a top speed of 85 km/h, while the Fiat 500 Abarth of the same year, produced 26 bhp at 5000 rpm and a top speed of 118 km/h.
The Grande Punto Abarth and the Grande Punto Abarth with the ‘essesse’ kit aim to revive the thrill of those cars, offering an opportunity, addressed to the young in particular, of entering the racing world in total safety and at an accessible price.
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