Модераторы: Typhoon, russiangirl, Лютег
max_pershin писал(а):В 156 не было панорамной крыши, 7 подушек безопасности и т.д., системы Blu&Me
Nuvola писал(а):1.4 benzina Turbo da 155 CV a 5500 rpm abbinato ad un cambio meccanico a 6 marce, raggiunge una velocità massima di 208 km/h e di accelerare da 0 a 100 km/h in appena 8,2 secondi.
Suspense писал(а):Nuvola писал(а):1.4 benzina Turbo da 155 CV a 5500 rpm abbinato ad un cambio meccanico a 6 marce, raggiunge una velocità massima di 208 km/h e di accelerare da 0 a 100 km/h in appena 8,2 secondi.
Кажется, я стал понимать итальянский.
Dalla forte caratterizzazione sportiva, la nuova vettura sarà equipaggiata con un motore Fire 1.4 16v benzina Turbo che eroga una potenza massima di 135 CV (99 Kw) a 5.500 rpm e una coppia massima di 206 Nm a 3.000 rpm in modalità “Sport” (invece, in modalità “Normal”, la coppia si riduce a 180 Nm a 2.500 rpm). Brillante e progressivo, il nuovo propulsore si conferma “amico dell’ambiente”: infatti, proprio come sul modello Fiat di normale produzione, la nuova vettura Abarth rispetta le future normative Euro 5.
From racing to our everyday roads, but always with a sporty approach. This is the goal behind the debut of the long-awaited ‘500 Abarth’, announced for the coming Geneva International Motor Show. The new car was developed by the Fiat Group Automobiles Style Centre in the spirit of the legendary Fiat 500 Abarth of the 1960s, and will be marketed from July through the exclusive Abarth network.
With a strong sporty personality, the new car will be powered by a Fire 1.4 16v petrol Turbo engine, which delivers a maximum of 135 bhp (99 kW) at 5,500 rpm and peak torque of 206 Nm at 3,000 rpm in ‘Sport’ mode (in ‘Normal’ mode, torque is reduced to 180 Nm at 2,500 rpm). This brilliant, smooth new engine is also a friend of the environment: like the regular Fiat model it is derived from, the new Abarth will respect future Euro 5 legislation.
Another interesting feature of the 500 Abarth is the fact that it adopts the new TTC (Torque Transfer Control) system, which improves the transfer of drive torque to the wheels, but, above all, ensures that the car behaves impeccably on bends, making it safer and more entertaining even with a sporty driving style. In other words, it is faithful to the phrase coined for the Abarths of the 1960s ‘small but wicked’.
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