Основной минус BMW в меньшей жесткости кузова (примерно на 1/4) и как следствие AR обладает большей массой.
Panda 12300 Нм/градус
Lybra SW - 13000 Нм/градус
FIAT 500 - 14150 Нм/градус
147 5d - 16250 Нм/градус
156 Sportwagon - 16750 Нм/градус
Lybra - 17100 Нм/градус
BMW 3 E46 18000 Нм/градус
156 - 18840 Нм/градус
147 3d - 18800 Нм/градус
Fiat Grande Punto 3d - 19,700 Нм/градус
GTV - 19700 Нм/градус
Audi A4 22.000 Нм/градус
BMW 3 E90 22500 Нм/градус
BMW 630ci - 24000 Нм/градус
166 1 serie - 24000 Нм/градус
166 2 serie - 24400 Нм/градус
Mini 1 serie - 24500 Нм/градус
Lancia Kappa Coupe - 27400 Нм/градус
Mazda RX8 - 30000 Нм/градус
159 - 31400 Нм/градус
Quattroporte - 31400 Нм/градус
Ferrari F50 - 34,600 Нм/градус
Brera - 35400 Нм/градус
Rolls Royce Phantom - 40000 Нм/градус
Здесь больше данных
Кстати не факт, что 159/Brera (без изменения характеристик подвески) с меньшей массой ехала бы лучше.
Как пример выдержка, Aurelio Lampredi:
Мне достаточно было изучить предмет и получить необходимые сведения, чтобы понять, что знаменитые в прошлом Бaссо и Коломбо не могли решить проблемы, с которыми мы сталкивались. Демонстрация того, что устойчивость и управляемость автомобиля можно было улучшить добавлением 50-килограммового балласта к лонжеронам шасси, делает очевидным тот факт, что мой беспристрастный подход к проблеме являлся определенным преимуществом, хотя я должен признать, что он требовал выполнения большой и трудной работы.
Кстати, на зарубежных форумах Brera сравнивают с BMW 630ci. В этом сравнении Brera выглядит не хуже, а в плане техники лучше.
Now it is my turn to make some questions (not in personal) causeeverything you do is moaning (spam) with zero arguments…Tell me whyboxster or crossfire or slk350 or tt coupe 3.2 quattro which cost morethan Brera 3.2JTS Q4 are also technical better?Expalin to me witharguments how a car (Brera 3.2) that offers better technical solutionsthan 630ci and costs less than Z4 3.0 which is technical inferior toslk350 boxster crossfire etc which are also more expensive than Brerais considered expensive?Brera is with all the objectivity the best carin its category and in some sectors by far better…this does not meanthat it does not have negatives like all other cars but it is the onewho is overall the best in its category.
Z4 has 4 times less torsional rigidity,inferior front suspensionmcpherson,sensibly slower steering wheel,inferior braking system,lowerbuild quality like all made in USA BMW and it does not offer highquality leather even in options list…inferior comfort-just try to makea trip for about 1000km and after tell me which of Brera-spider/Z4would maintain higher average speed and at last already looksold-enough to say that one of the two production lines in southcarolina closed and in the other one only 80% is activated. …..even MX52.0 is better than Z4 2.0…but Brera 3.2 is even better than 630ci
-Brera 3.2JTS Q4 vs 630ci
-Torsional rigidity 207.000danm/rad vs 140.000danm/rad
-Front suspension,double wishbone vs mcpherson
-Rear suspension,multilink(Trilink with 3 basic arms & 2 assistantfor small road anomalies/suspended weight) vs multilink(Ulink,development of the classic multilink that Bmw introduced in1990)
-transimission,4wd with 3 differentials which of them the central isTorsen-C second generation and also contains front differential thatcreates blocking effect up to 20% with initial ratio 43/57 that it canchange (depends in road conditions/phase) from 22/78 up to 72/28 vsclassic rwd with gearbox in pair with engine in front.
- 3.2lt engine V6 60degrees with Stoichiometric direct injection JTSand two phase variable timing Twinphaser 260ps/322nm(ron95)[265ps/330nmron98] vs 6cylinder in row 3lt with indirect injection & valvecontrol type valvetronic 258ps/300nm(ron98)
-Steering wheel immediacy 2,25turns with diameter of turn 10,7m vs 3turns with diameter in turn 11,4m
-More powerful braking system with (35,5m 100-0) and sound comfort.
-Less rolling in its category.
-infotelematic, connect+ µe birdview & blue&me vs i-drive
-Leather,pieno fiore(poltrona frau)….same quality withFerrari/Maserati/Jaguar/Aston Martin vs nappa (same quality leatherwith city cars like ypsilon)
-It has by far the most desing awards in modern automotive histroy
-As for Porsche’s quality it is not my fault that it does not usenatural leather in versions covered with leather in the panel…also itis not my fault that Porsche uses alouminium imitation and not realaloumium like 159/Brera and sky leather quality in the doors which iseven worse than nappa.
-It is not my fault that Boxster brakes 100-0 in 37,4m and Boxster S in 36,7m when Brera wants 35,5m
-It is not my fault that Brera (207.000 daNM/rad) has 4 times bettertorsional rigidity than those of boxster/slk/tt roadster/z4 and twiceof TT coupe.
-It is not my fault that when Brera uses double wishbone in front thecompetition uses mcpherson……but Porsche uses double wishbone only insupercar Carrera Gt.
-It is not my fault that 159/Brera are the only cars in their categorywith double glassed windows and offeres the best sound comfort.
-It is not my fault that 159 is the only car in its category with full range of engines with direct injection
-It is not my fault that q4 torsen C/ii of Brera/159 is the best 4wdsystem in the market and new supercar Miura will be fitted with it.
-It is not my fault that AR continue having the fastest steering wheeland has solved the problem of high circle in turn….which is simiral to3 ?90 but 25% faster…2,25:1 vs 3:1....
-It is not my fault that new 4cylinders of AR have the highest specificpower/torque between all the European 4cylinder engines.
-It is not my fault that 159 has the wider torsional bar and is the carwith less rolling in its category without sacrifice comfort like 3 E90.
-It is not my fault that AR’S have the best equipment,bestdesing/aesthetics,more accessibly prices in option equipment and thebest assurance (3 years free service and 3 years in all mechanicalparts!)…compared to german manufactors.
Так что скорее всего приоритеты при выборе расставлены не верно
Alfa Brera, BMW 6, Lexus SC, Mercedes SL.