Нужна подсказка по снятию Аэрбега водителя.

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Нужна подсказка по снятию Аэрбега водителя.

Сообщение grina1488 » Пт фев 21, 2014 3:35 pm

Подскажите как снять Аэрбег с руля? нифа нужна товарищу. прошу помочь))
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Re: Нужна подсказка по снятию Аэрбега водителя.

Сообщение Бизон » Пт фев 21, 2014 8:38 pm

First of all, yes, you need to remove the airbag. That is done with a flat blade screwdriver, with a blade width of about 6.5mm. Now, look at the back side of the steering wheel, there are two round markings, which correspond to the outline of the holes you can see here marked as 1c: http://qkpic.com/90b1c . You need, and I'm not kidding, to poke your screwdriver in there (thereby making a hole on your steering wheel backside), up to a depth of about 65mm, which will release the springs that keep the airbag module in there (see http://qkpic.com/99157 ). Then remove the three electrical connections.

Now you can remove the silver part. It's held on by four screws: two behind the wheel spoke at 6 o'clock, and another two behind each of the upper spokes. You then need to disconnect the electrical connector for the radio controls, if you have them.

Я думаю,переводить,ненадо.
Альфазапчасти, 8-928-604-81-98 ватсап
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Re: Нужна подсказка по снятию Аэрбега водителя.

Сообщение Ggraph » Пн июл 21, 2014 3:59 am

Бизон писал(а):
Now you can remove the silver part. It's held on by four screws: two behind the wheel spoke at 6 o'clock, and another two behind each of the upper spokes. You then need to disconnect the electrical connector for the radio controls, if you have them.

Я думаю,переводить,ненадо.

По описанию не получается, картинки не работают.
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