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Модераторы: Typhoon, russiangirl, Лютег

Сообщение Xsi » Ср авг 17, 2005 2:07 pm

Как бы хотелось, чтобы с МКПП она разгонялась за 6,2!! Не охото сливать немцам. :D
AR 156 1,8
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июл 28, 2005 11:41 am
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение nmi77 » Чт авг 18, 2005 11:24 am

Еще раз пишу
при такой заявленной снаряженной массе 1740кг и такой мощности двигателя это физически невозможно.
Если конечно во всех источниках не ощибаются килограмм так на 200.
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Зарегистрирован: Пн мар 21, 2005 2:49 pm
Откуда: Minsk
Авто: Alfa 145 Turbo

Сообщение Xsi » Чт авг 18, 2005 11:31 am

Мне кажется, что они с весом что-то путают. Получается уж слишком много! Столько 540 не весит!
AR 156 1,8
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июл 28, 2005 11:41 am
Откуда: Москва

Сообщение Van den Vos Reynaerde » Сб авг 20, 2005 12:59 pm

Да, удручающе! А ещё трындят, что новый глава ALFA в бмв понимает, хм!

Есть надежда, что итальянцы запустили утку!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:
Постояно пьём Cinzano,
Постояно сыто-пьяно!
Держим в банках миллионо,
И плеванто на законо!!!
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Van den Vos Reynaerde
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июл 07, 2005 5:43 pm
Откуда: Россия, Москва, Кунцево
Авто: Getz, Avensis

Сообщение cоlombо » Сб авг 20, 2005 2:07 pm

Да нафиг эти милисекунды до сотни, нужно наслаждаться визгом резины в повороте :)
Почетный альфист
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение CyrilTipo155 » Сб авг 20, 2005 3:57 pm

А я так понимаю что 159 в повороте не фонтан.

Пропала планета. Так и буду на 155 ездить.
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Сообщение cоlombо » Сб авг 20, 2005 4:06 pm

Английская Italiaspeed нахваливала поведение 159.
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение CyrilTipo155 » Сб авг 20, 2005 4:13 pm

Надо тестить значит. Внешне она мне нравится, смотрится позлее 156-ой, хотя конечно не такая хмурая как 155 :-)
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Авто: Giulia Ti Lusso 2.0

Сообщение cоlombо » Сб авг 20, 2005 4:16 pm

155 грустная, особенно как у меня с французскими гепатитными желтыми фарами :(
Почетный альфист
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение cоlombо » Сб авг 20, 2005 4:17 pm

Fronte design e interni...
non passa inosservata ma non colpisce subito, data la notevole somiglianza con la 156 e il family feeling col resto della produzione alfa, le nuove dimensioni, ragguardevoli, ne hanno migliorato il comfort (pari a quello delle rivali audi, mercedes e bmw) e anche l'abitabilitа, ma non in misura tale ai posti posteriori, nei quali si sta bene solo in 2.
La plancia piace, sia per il deisgn che per la strumentazione, la postura del sedile и eccellente, il volante verticale e i sedili rigidi alla tedesca, la percezione di qualitа и definita pari se non superiore alle rivali tedesche.

tecnica e motore...
del motore viene detto a chiare lettere che il monoblocco, albero motore e bielle sono di origine GM, la testata a 4 valvole, JTS, aspirazione e scarico sono invece progettazione del gruppo Fiat, il cambio и anch'esso GM, la scocca ha una rigiditа torsionale da primato dato che и di 183.000 kgm/rad contro i 110.000 kgm/rad della 156

su strada...
un motore riuscito in parte, dato che in un intervallo compreso tra i 2 e i 4 mila giri esprime quasi tutta la sua forza - coppia max di 23.4 kgm a 4500 giri/min - e sopporta senza alcun problema la notevole massa, rilevata in oltre 1600 kg, и di difficile dosaggio tanto che in cittа e cmq con le marce basse si и costretti spesso a "seghettamenti" e vuoti di potenza, nella guida normale il JTS si distende in buoni allunghi ma la spinta si affievolisce in prossimitа dei 5000 giri, e questo lo si evince anche dalla curva di coppia, che definire piatta и poco, si dice chiaramente che il motore non invita ad andare oltre i 5000 giri.
Negli scatti brevi la 159 и piщ lenta della 156 2.0 JTS ma poi si riscatta.

Note super-positive invece per il comparto telaio-sospensioni-sterzo, definito esemplare quanto quello della 156, la 159 и incollata al terreno e nonostante la massa и agile, piantata per terra, l'accenno di sottosterzo viene "limato" dall'elettronica, che cmq и molto discreta e lascia ampi margini al pilota.
La stabilitа viene definita superiore agli stessi ottimi livelli della 156, con una stabilitа di riferimento.

Qualitа complessiva e assemblaggi...
si dice chiaramente che l'esemplare и preserie e aspettano altri test per vederne i miglioramenti in produzione, anche se scelte economiche tipo i catadiottri sulle portiere fanno discutere...

i consumi...
urbano: 7.4 km/l
extraurbano: 11.9 km/l
autostradale: 9.4 km/l
medio: 9.6 km/l

la 159 2.2 JTS e la concorrenza: (185cv e 23.4 kgm 222 kmh)

-Audi A4 1.8T (1781cc) 163cv - 22.9 kgm - 228 kmh
-Bmw 320i (1995cc) 150cv - 20.4 kgm - 220 kmh
-Mercedes C200 K (1796cc) 163cv - 24.5 kgm - 234 kmh
-Saab 9-3 2.0 (1998cc) 175cv - 27 kgm - 225 kmh

In conclusione.

Dopo che molti utenti del forum hanno letteralmente demolito "automobilismo", posso dire di non trovare nessun motivo in questa prova per definirne la faziositа, che semplicemente NON C'ERA, anzi, la 159 piace, in certi punti convince e in altri no, una prova oggettiva e ben fatta a mio parere, quelli che dovrebberi riflettere sono certe persone, troppo imbevute di saccenza (presunta) quando idolatrare troppo un modello fa distorcere spesso la realtа.
Почетный альфист
Сообщения: 15233
Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение cоlombо » Пн авг 22, 2005 1:52 pm

Последний раз редактировалось cоlombо Вт авг 23, 2005 1:43 pm, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Почетный альфист
Сообщения: 15233
Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение krass » Пн авг 22, 2005 7:18 pm

В октябрьском номере русского auto motor und sport будет БОЛЬШАЯ статья по 159 AR
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Сообщение cоlombо » Вт авг 23, 2005 1:41 pm

Test Drive 159 by Top Gear

Don't believe your eyes. The new 159 might look like a 156 evolved, but actually every part beyond nuts 'n' bolts is new. The Giugiaro-designed body is frankly sensational and puts the 156 themes into a more modern, muscular and road-hugging form.

It's got detail, too - the triple front lights and polished-blade door handles are just lovely. Why no hidden rear handles like the old car? Because this one can't sit in a ghetto for Alfisti: it has to attract people out of Mercs and Audis. It can't be too eccentric.

The suspension and floorpan were a joint project with Saab, but then Saab pulled out, so now Alfa has it all to itself.

The petrol engines are derived from the excellent newest Vauxhall/Saab fours and V6, but they have Alfa's own cylinder heads with unique direct petrol-injection technology for clean power, and variable phasing on all camshafts for better torque and emissions. The diesels are Alfa's terrific four-valve JTDs. The 150bhp 1.9 is fine, the 200bhp, 5cyl, 2.4 just stonking.

Floor it and the 2.2-litre engine spins beautifully and has torque lower down too. It sounds really encouraging, and the six-speed has a short precise travel. Get cracking on a difficult road and you find steering that's direct and accurate, if a bit dead, and a chassis that helps you with bags of grip and fine handling. Body movements are well checked when the road dips and crests too.

The ride is very busy, though, sending the car into the occasional shuddery spasm - just a small-amplitude motion, but a really annoying one. Full production is a few months away, so with any luck they'll fix it.

The 3.2 V6 Q4 (Alfa-speak for 4WD) actually has a smoother ride, and it corners more like an Impreza than an Audi: full of life and feedback. But it's a silly 250kg heaver than the four-cylinder, so doesn't quite feel its 260bhp. Take comfort from the sounds, though. This is a really endearing car, and as good in the wet as the dry. The 159 with any engine is utterly civilised on a motorway too.

Inside, the 159 is sensibly ergonomic where needed, and full-on beautiful Alfa where conditions permit - the triple gauges in the centre console say not 'petrol', 'water' and 'oil' but 'benzina', 'acqua' and 'olio'. But avoid the test car's vomit-beige dash, as it blinds you with windscreen reflections.

Front seats are fine, though rear room isn't at all brilliant. But ditto a 3-Series and people still buy those in droves.

BMW keeps saying it invented the small sports saloon. It didn't. Alfa did. But Alfa never capitalised on its invention and has been overtaken by the Germans. Besides no one buys a 156 more than once because Alfas sometimes break and the dealers treat their customers like dirt.

So the 159 will come with a free servicing deal, and the whole sales and service enterprise is getting an overhaul. Of course, these promises about quality and service often get broken, but there's hope this time because Alfa's new boss is Karl-Heinz Kalbfell ? a big Bavarian with huge farmer's hands and a roll-your-sleeves- up attitude.

He ran BMW's service and marketing operations for years. Then he developed the Rolls Phantom, built the factory and set up the network. He has serious form. He's also a high-octane petrolhead - he drove me around the Nordschleife in a 159 in the rain, and he was at least as handy as his car.
Почетный альфист
Сообщения: 15233
Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm

Сообщение CARmanник » Вт авг 23, 2005 4:32 pm

"...The 3.2 V6 Q4 (Alfa-speak for 4WD) actually has a smoother ride, and it corners more like an Impreza than an Audi: full of life and feedback..."

Я так понимаю, не все так плохо? Т.е. 159 - не такой уж и "диван"? Стесьно, в вышеназванном исполнении... :roll:
Alfa Romeo, Cuore Sportivo, Dolce Vita - вот как выглядит счастье!
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Сообщение cоlombо » Вт авг 23, 2005 4:52 pm

BMW keeps saying it invented the small sports saloon. It didn't. Alfa did.

Вот она красная строка всего текста.

Прост понятия о спортивном седане изменились. А для тех кто хочет настоящий спорт седан - полно 75 на помойках есть.
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Зарегистрирован: Чт июн 05, 2003 1:08 pm


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