Модераторы: russiangirl, Лютег
Woron писал(а):Вот такие вот машинки ... кто её придумал??
Woron писал(а):Митрий, очень близко,да загато, два варианта родстер и купе, а называются как?
This "Experimental Sportscar-3.0 litre" was unveiled at the Geneva Motor Show as a prototype by Zagato, but in fact its design history was far more complicated. No less than 3 teams were asked to design a proposal: the studio of Zagato, Alfa Romeo's own Centro Stile (Walter da Silva and Alberto Bertelli) and Fiat's design center headed by Mario Maioli and Robert Opron, the distinguished French designer of the Citroлn SM and the Renault Fuego for example. Unfortunately for Zagato its original design was discarded early on and ultimately the design which originated from the Fiat design center lead to the ES-30, with Robert Opron making the initial drafts and young designer Antonio Castellana largely responsible for both the styling of the body and the interior of the car. The SZ was planned and designed in a very brief lapse of time - 19 months to be exact - thanks to the use of integrated computer systems and CAD/CAM design, right from the first rough sketches.
Apparently Zagato only made small contributions to the design of the front and the rear of the ES-30, but still the illustrious "Z" crest of Zagato would grace the sides of the car.
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