Модераторы: russiangirl, Лютег
Toronto, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - Benito Mussolini's historical -
one of a kind - 1939 Lancia Astura, will be available for worldwide
auction on eBay Motors with 100% of the auction proceeds benefiting
SickKids Foundation. The auction begins September 30, 2005 on eBay
Motors and runs for 10 days. This very rare opportunity provides
buyers worldwide the ability to purchase a significant historical
automobile in such fine condition and benefit a wonderful cause. Full
details of the auction can be seen at: http://www.sickkidsauctions.com.
Bidding is open to all international bidders. Bidders are required
to pre-register prior to the auction. For additional information or
assistance please visit http://www.sickkidsauctions.com.
About SickKids Foundation: SickKids Foundation is the largest
non-governmental granting agency in child health in Canada.
Established in 1972, SickKids Foundation has granted over CDN$300
million to The Hospital for Sick Children and over CDN$60 million to
researchers across the country. The Foundation's mission is to
inspire our communities to invest in medical and scientific advances
to improve the lives of children and their families in Canada and
around the world.
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) is one of the largest
Paediatric academic health science centres in the world, with an
International reputation for excellence in health care, research, and
As a local hospital, SickKids meets the basic health needs of
children who live in the City of Toronto. But more than half the
patients come from outside the city: they come from other parts of
Canada, and from around the world.
Racoon писал(а):Toronto, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - Benito Mussolini's historical -
one of a kind - 1939 Lancia Astura
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Racoon писал(а):Toronto, Canada (ots/PRNewswire) - Benito Mussolini's historical -
one of a kind - 1939 Lancia Astura
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