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Ferrari F1 car will be launched on the 25th of February

СообщениеДобавлено: Пн фев 14, 2005 1:43 pm
Maranello, 11th February - The Ferrari F1 car will be launched to the press on Friday 25th February at Maranello, at the New Logistics building. The timetable is as follows:
11.00: presentation begins;
12.30 to 13.30: interviews for press and television;

Important information

The Accreditation Centre will be situated in the Galleria Ferrari and will be operational from 9.30 to 10.30.
Requests for media accreditation must be sent to the Ferrari Motor Sport Press Office, for the attention of Luca Colajanni. This should be done only by fax (+39 0536 949 049,) on headed notepaper from the organisation concerned, signed by an authorised person. A response, either by fax or by voice, will then be sent to the person concerned. Any request received after 20h00 on Tuesday 22nd February 2005 will not be considered.
Even holders of 2004 permanent FIA credentials or those with accreditation for the various 2004 Ferrari-Maserati championships must follow the procedure outlined above to obtain the necessary credential.
TV broadcasters are asked to specify in their request if they intend bringing any broadcast vehicles (indicate type and size of vehicle, registration number and telephone contact number for the driver as well as the date and time of planned arrival. Along with the fax confirmation of accreditation, film crew producers will receive precise instructions on timing and vehicle access routing to their specific compound.
During the presentation, photographers and TV cameramen will have to remain in their reserved area. After the presentation, the car will be available for photography in the launch area. Interviews will take place as follows: press conference reserved to the written press in the press room, press meeting with the accredited TVs in a reserved area, as it happens on the occasion of the Grand Prix weekends.

The Ferrari press office is available for any further information or clarification required: tel no. +39 0536 949 450.