Launch Edition отличается от серии дополнительными карбоновыми элементами (накладки на зеркала и задний спойлер), задним алюминиевым диффузором, окрашенным в темный цвет, фарами Bi-LED в темной отделке, дисками 18/19 и краской Carrara White или Alfa Red.
Кроме того воздухозаборник в бампере, суппорты в специфическом цвете табличка с номером в салоне, гоночный выпуск, воздушный фильтр пониженного сопротивления, специальные настройки амортизаторов и стабилизатора поперечной устойчивости отделка сидений алькантрой, красной ниткой прострочены сиденья, руль, ручник, коврики, ручки.
Опции 4C Launch Edition
Покупателям этой версии будут предложены курсы вождения Advanced Driving с профессиональными водителями-инструкторами

1. Максимальная производственная мощность - около 3500 шт/год.
1500 шт - для Европы, Среднего Востока и Африки
1200 шт - для Сев. Америки
800 шт - для остальных рынков
На версию Launch Edition в течение первых 3 недель поступило 980 заказов из 1000 машин запланированного объема.
При годовом объеме производства 3500 шт, производится 14 автомобилей в день.
Начало заказов обычной 4С - 18.06.2013. В Европе первые машины будут поставлены покупателям во второй половине сентября 2013. Праворульная версия будет поставлена дилерам в октябре 2013. В Северной Америке - в конце 2013 года.
Дебют версии Targa в конце 2014 года.
Жизненный цикл модели - 7 лет. План производства в течение жизненного цикла 26000 шт.
Сборка автомобиля проводится в Модене, на заводе Maserati на месте Quattroporte, производство которого перенесено в Грульяско. Окраска кузовных панелей, которую производят вручную, проходит во "внешней" мастерской Nuova GM в Кампозанто, Модена.
2. Среднемоторное купе, 2 места
3. В основе автомобиле лежит карбоновая "ванна", изготовленная по технологии pre-Preg. Вес карбоновой "ванны" - 65 кг
Официальное открытие завода TTA (Tecno Tessile Adler) по производству карбоновых "ванн" произошло 26.03.2013
Передняя и задняя несущие структуры, усилители крыши выполнены из алюминия. Панели кузова выполнены из пластика, который легче стали на 20%.
4. Размеры. Длина 3989 мм. Ширина 2090 мм. Высота 1183 мм. База 2380 мм.
5. Сухой вес - 895 кг, распределение по осям - 38/62 (340/555 кг). Снаряженная масса 920 кг.
6. Передняя подвеска на двойных треугольных рычагах, задняя McPherson.
7. Задний привод с имитацией блокировки дифференциала Electronic-Q2
8. Рулевое управление без усилителя, передаточное отношение 16,2:1. Рулевое колесо совершает 2,7 оборота от упора до упора.
9. Колеса. Передние диски 7J*17, размерность шин 205/45 R17, в качестве опции диски 7J*18, шины 205/40 R18. Задние диски 8J*18, размерность шин 235/40 R18, в качестве опции диски 8J*19, шины 235/35 R19. Резина - Pirelli PZero
10. В качестве бесплатной опции магнитола Parrot Asteroid
11. Тормоза. Передние тормозные диски вентилируемые перфорированные Brembo, 305*28мм. Суппорты Brembo 4-поршневые. Задние тормозные диски вентилируемые перфорированные TRW, 292*222мм.
12. Панель приборов. TFT, 7 дюймов, персонализируемая. Производится MTA SpA
13. Логистика производства
- Код: Выделить всё
Adler (vasca) |
E.M.A.R.C. (telaietti) |--> Maserati --> Nuova GM --> Maserati
IMR Industries (pannelli) | (body in white) (verniciatura) (assemblaggio finale)
В качестве опции будет предложен кит для трека: иные настройки амортизаторов, задний стабилизатор поперечной устойчивости, шины Pirelli PZero AR Racing
Руководитель проекта - Domenico Bagnasco, Директор по Инжинирингу и Производственным операциям Abarth & C. Spa
Дизайнер проекта - Marco Tencone, Глава Стиля Alfa Romeo, Lancia, Maserati
Я думаю мы удовлетворены тем, что экстерьер автомобиля очень близок к концепту, за исключением некоторых деталей. Передние фары, к примеру, и некоторые другие детали. Мы работаем над тем, чтобы предоставить выбор в будущем, чтобы заменить некоторые детали, и создать различные версии на всем протяжении жизненного цикла продукта. Возможно, мы создадим версии с иным решением передних фар, а также некоторых деталей интерьера. У концепта интерьер был больше дизайнерской фантазией, нашим взглядом в будущее дизайна интерьера Alfa Romeo. Через некоторое время мы увидим такой язык в других Alfa. В этой машине главным смыслом для изменений в интерьере были вес и снижение производственных затрат, в основном по причине того, что покупатели подобного рода автомобилей не на столько заинтересованы в богатстве интерьера — слишком много деталей вокруг. Он или она сконцентрированы на вождении, поэтому нет причин разрабатывать сложные формы, очень сложные формы с множеством мелочей, это и есть основное изменение в дизайне в сравнении с прототипом. Я думаю машина хранит в себе дух концепта. Мы работали так, как это делали в ‘60х, с задними фонарями и некоторыми элементами интерьера от других автомобилей. В заключение, я думаю, что для этого типа покупателей, машина будет по вкусу словно автомобиль ‘60х. Я думаю, что по своему духу она не слишком далека от будущих владельцев машины.
Дизайнер интерьера - Ramon Ginah, Шеф Дизайнер интерьера Alfa Romeo
Дизайнер экстерьера - Alessandro Maccolini, Шеф Дизайнер экстерьера Alfa Romeo
Дизайнер поверхностей - Antonio Erario, Старший дизайнер поверхностей
Интервью с инженерами
Domenico Bagnasco - Capo Progetto,
Guglielmo Caviasso - Veichle Concept and Integration
Franco Cazzolato - Applicazione Motore/Cambio
Сколько времени прошло с момента принятия решения о выпуске автомобиля и появления его на дорогах?
DB. Окончательное одобрение было получено в сентябре 2010, незамедлительно началось планирование. Производственная линия в Модене была запущена сразу после Женевского автосалона 2013. Сейчас, в сентябре 2013, мы представляем машину прессе. Значит, если быть точным, прошло ровно 3 года.
Что было самым сложным в проекте?
DB. Без сомнений удержание окончательной стоимости. Мы желали, чтобы начальная стоимость автомобиля на рынке была менее 60 тыс евро. И у нас получилось сделать стоимость равной 53 тыс евро - это большая победа. Так же проект предполагал серьезные трудности в рамках индустриализации, но мы успешно справились с ними.
Вы имеете ввиду карбоновый монокок?
DB. Без сомнений, этот компонент является основной характеристикой 4С, жесткий, легкий и в тоже самое время способный придать автомобилю гоночный дух. Ни один из конкурентов не способен воплотить инженерию Формулы 1 в машине со стоимостью среднеразмерного седана.
В случае повреждения, на сколько сложно починить монокок?
GC. Монокок сконструирован по технологии, где "листы" карбона предварительно пропитываются эпоксидной смолой и соединяются между собой запеканием в автоклаве. Ванна монокока может быть восстановлена. Для этого мы подготовили команду специалистов, которых назвали Летающими Докторами (Flying Doctors), которые будут заботиться только о 4С, вылетая непосредственно к тому дилеру, где находится поврежденный автомобиль. Самые простые работы могут быть выполнены на месте, но для более сложного ремонта потребуется возврат монокока на завод. И конечно же он будет доступен в качестве запасной части, но мы надеемся, что никогда не продадим ни одного.
Через несколько месяцев 4С появится в США, будет ли эта версия идентична европейской?
GC. 4С будет представлена в США во второй половине 2014. По причине различных стандартов безопасности автомобиль будет немного другим, в особенности задняя часть, для соответствия задним краш-тестам. Эти изменения повлекут увеличение веса в общем на 100 кг.
Почему 4С имеет в стандартной комплектации только две передних подушки безопасности?
GC. Передние подушки двух-ступенчатые, отвечают нормам США, следовательно они имеют большую поверхность и, вместе с ремнями безопасности, оснащенными преднатяжителями, обеспечивают адекватную защиту, даже в случае бокового удара.
Электронный дифференциал Q2 работает только с тормозными колодками, по какой причине вы не установили механический самоболокирующийся дифференциал?
FC. У 4С хорошая развесовка 40/60, что обеспечивает хорошее сцепление с дорогой. По этой причине, а также из-за малого веса, механический дифференциал повышенного трения не устанавливается. Кроме того, он добавляет вес, механическую сложность и стоимость.
Почему, вместо установки самоблокирующегося дифференциала, вы пошли на установку колес различного диаметра?
DB. На 4С может устанавливаться два вида легкосплавных дисков 17 спереди и 18 сзади и 18 спереди и 19 сзади. Выбор в пользу такой схемы был сделан из-за прямого указания испытателей, для придачи большей готовности для входа в поворот, и в тоже самое время, для увеличения сцепления задних колес.
Будет ли двигатель иметь следующий шаг в плане мощности и крутящего момента?
FC. Сейчас нет никакого решения по этому вопросу, но увеличение мощности и момента абсолютно не является проблемой. Посмотрим какой будет ответ рынка и уже тогда задумаемся о более мощной версии.
Нам действительно понравилась работа коробки передач TCT, но мы обратили внимание на разницу во времени переключения в зависимости от ситуации.
FC. Трансмиссия TCT с двумя сцеплениями может совершать переключения передач с минимальным временем 130ms. Такое время срабатывания появляется при условии максимального нажатия на педаль акселератора. Более того, электроника коробки взаимодействует с сенсором поперечного ускорения и подстраивает скорость переключения в зависимости от крена автомобиля. То есть прямой ответ будет более сухим, во время прохождения поворота переключение будет более мягким, для предотвращения дестабилизации автомобиля в повороте.
Двигатель 939 B1000
Непосредственный впрыск топлива, турбонаддув с системой продувки цилиндров, промежуточный охладитель
DOHC, привод распределительных валов зубчатым ремнем, гидрокомпенсаторы, два вариатора фаз постоянного действия
Алюминиевый блок цилиндров с чугунными вставками. Коленчатый вал с 8 противовесами. Поршни производства KS Kolbenschmidt. Турбина с изменяемой геометрией BorgWarner. Выпускной коллектор с эффектом резонансного наддува. Давление в системе впрыска до 200 бар.
Диаметр цилиндра/ход поршня - 83/80,5 мм
Рабочий объем - 1742 см.куб
Мощность 245 л.с. при 6000 об/мин (137,8 л.с./л)
Максимальный крутящий момент 350 Нм при 2100-4000 об/мин (200,9 Нм/л)
Максимальное давление наддува 1,5 бар
Степень сжатия 9,5:1
Разгон 0-100 км/ч - 4,5 сек.
Максимальная скорость 258 км/ч.
Торможение 100-0км/ч - 35 м.
Поперечное ускорение до 1,1g, на торможении до 1,25g.
Угол поперечного наклона 2,5 градуса/g
В положение переключателя Race отключается система стабилизации и АБС. Новое программное обеспечение коробки передач включает функцию Launch Control. Время переключения передач при полном открытии дроссельной заслонки 130 мс. В режиме RACE передачи переключаются только в ручном режиме
Коэффициент аэродинамического сопротивления Cx 0.33
Прижимная сила Cz -0.05
В амриканской версии масса автомобиля будет на 100 кг больше за счет новой задней защиты от ударов, алюминиевых вкладок в монокок, а также коленных и боковых подушек безопасности. Цена в США 54000 дол
Тест 4R 12/13.
Максимальная скорость: 252,306 км/ч при 6500 об/мин. (на V передаче)
Обороты на 130 км/ч: 2800 об/мин.
Расход топлива (в скобках пересчет в л/100 км):
15,8 км/л (6,33) при 90 км/ч.
14,5 км/л (6,9) при 100 км/ч.
11,1 км/л (9,01) при 130 км/ч.
9,3 км/л (10,75) при 150 км/ч.
Сопротивление при 100 км/ч (кВт/л.с.): 17,1/23,2.
Отдача при 100 км/ч: 27,7%.
Средний расход топлива (в скобках пересчет в л/100 км)
Городской: 8,9 (11,24) км/л.
Загородный: 12,4 (8,06) км/л.
Магистраль: 10,4 (9,62) км/л.
Средний: 10,3 (9,71) км/л.
Ускорение (normal/launch):
0-60: 2,6/2,0 сек.
0-100: 4,5/4,2 сек.
0-130: 6,9/6,5 сек.
0-200: 17,7/16,9 сек.
400 м с места: 12,8/12,5 сек., скорость в конце дистанции 176,9/178,7 км/ч.
1 км с места: 23,5/23,2 сек., скорость в конце дистанции 219,0/219,6 км/ч.
Эластичность на VI/D (минимальная загрузка автомобиля):
70-90: 5,5/1,7 сек.
70-100: 7,2/2,3 сек.
70-120: 10,5/3,8 сек.
70-140: 14,2/5,9 сек.
1 км при ускорении с 70 км/ч: 27,1/21,8 сек., скорость в конце дистанции 192,3/218,0 км/ч.
30-60 км/ч на III: 3,8 сек.
100 с минимальной загрузкой - холодная система: 37,6 м/1,05 g.
100 с максимальной загрузкой - холодная система: 38,5 м/1,02 g.
100 с максимальной загрузкой - горячая система: 36,1 м/1,09 g.
200 с минимальной загрузкой - холодная система:: 139,6 м/1,13 g.
100 на сухом асфальте и брусчатке: 44,8 м/0,88 g.
100 на мокром асфальте и льду: 103,6 м/0,38 g.
Диаметр разворота: 11,5 м.
Число оборотов руля: 2,7.
Усилие на руле: 11,2 кг.
Усилие на педали сцепления: - кг.
Cx/площадь лобового сечения: 0,356/1,870 m2.
Вес испытанного автомобиля: 1119 кг.
Скрытый текст
Распределение веса, % перед/зад: 39/61.
Шины: Pirelli P Zero AR Racing. Впереди 205/40ZR18 86Y, сзади 235/35ZR19 91Y.
при 50 км/ч на асфальте: 72,6 dB(A).
при 50 км/ч на дренирующем асфальте: 78,7 dB(A).
при 50 км/ч на брусчатке: 84,3 dB(A).
При максимальном разгоне: 90,0 dB(A).
Боковое ускорение: 1,11 g.
Объезд препятствий:
на мокром асфальте: 97 км/ч.
на прямой: 200 км/ч.
в повороте: 111 км/ч.
Время прохождения круга: 1'18"84.
Время ближайшего конкурента: Lotus Elise S 1'21''51.
Fiat Group Automobiles is preparing to unleash a trio of niche sports cars in 2010 for its Alfa Romeo, Abarth and Lancia brands, each boasting high performance and light weight characteristics, and all based on dedicated new platforms.
The three sports cars are additions to the outlined FGA product portfolio and are set to be low-volume halo cars that will adhere to each brand’s underlying principles. Each one is set to excite fans of the respective brands and will be designed to thrill the driver.
Lancia and Alfa Romeo will each get a sports coupe based on an all new rear wheel drive platform, while Abarth will get a two-seat rear wheel drive sports car, on separate architecture to the former two. All three cars will be launched in 2010 and will break with the current pattern that has seen FGA models getting heavier and heavier.
The Lancia coupe will be based around the very well received Fulvia showcar which made such a splash when it debuted at the Frankfurt IAA in the autumn of 2003. Fiat bosses in the intervening half decade have tried many options to realise this model, even going as far as weighing up basing it on the ‘Premium’ platform as used by Alfa Romeo’s 159 saloon and Brera coupe. However, seven years after it first stunned onlookers at the German motor show it is set to arrive in the showrooms, underpinned by an all new RWD platform, no details of which have emerged yet.
This new platform will be shared by a new-sports coupe planned for Alfa Romeo which will also arrive the same year, 2010, the year the brand will celebrate its centenary. Also adhering to weight saving principles it is expected to revive the legendary Giulia/Giulietta name. There is speculation that the RWD platform could be bought in by Fiat for these two applications.
The third sports car to arrive in the showrooms that year (2010) will be from Abarth. This however will be a rear engined, two seat sports car that will be a direct competitor for the Lotus Elise. Ultra-lightweight, and to be powered by FGA’s growing range of small capacity turbocharged engines, it will draw on all Abarth’s historical DNA. Prospective Abarth dealers were guaranteed a small sports car when they signed up to the new network and Abarth is on course to remain on this target.
The new Abarth sports car will be assembled by hand at Abarth’s ‘Officine 83’ headquarters at Mirafiori, Turin, with the lightweight chassis being built by an outside supplier and shipped in. Abarth has investigated the principles of the Lotus Elise closely and it is believed that management have discussed buying the lightweight chassis which uses advanced bonding techniques.
Lotus has had much success adapting the Elise theme to external clients, having rebodied it for GM’s Vauxhall/Opel brands as well as for the innovative electric-powered Tesla sports car. Fiat group has also gained much experience of niche composite chassis manufacturing in its own research divisions, while another option being weighed up would be for ATR to build the chassis. One of the world leaders in lightweight material chassis manufacturing, ATR has built the tubs for supercars such as the Ferrari Enzo, Maserati MC12, Porsche Carrera GT, Lamborghini Murciélago and Bugatti Veyron.
Update 16 сентября 2013г.

• Direct-injection 240 HP 1750 Turbo Petrol engine
• Aluminium block and specific intake and exhaust systems
• Torque and specific power values lead the class: over 200 Nm/l and 137 HP/l
• Top speed 258 km/h and from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.5 seconds
• Direct petrol injection, dual continuous variable valve timing system, turbocharger and 'scavenging' system that eliminates 'turbolag'
The new ‘4 cylinder’ 1750 Turbo Petrol with direct injection at 200 bar that achieves performance of absolute excellence is making its début on the Alfa Romeo 4C. Torque and specific power set new records for this size of engine at over 200 Nm/l and 137 HP/l, respectively, while maximum power of 240 HP (176 kW) is reached at 6000 rpm. The maximum torque of 350 Nm ensures its extraordinary elasticity and sportiness since it is maintained constant between 2100 and 4000 rpm, but 80% of the torque is already available at just 1800 rpm.
Fitted out like this, the compact supercar registers exceptional results both during pick-up and when accelerating. The Alfa Romeo 4C goes from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.5 seconds and develops a top speed of over 250 km/h. Driving pleasure is magnified by the full, rich sound of the exhaust, where the low frequencies and classic roar have been emphasised. This impressive level of performance has been achieved with minimum impact on the environment. Thanks to multiple injection control and advanced anti-friction and energy loss reduction systems, the emissions of the Alfa Romeo 4C fall well within the strict limits of Euro 6.
Aluminium block and specific intake and exhaust systems
The Alfa Romeo 4C 240 HP direct injection 1750 Turbo Petrol engine implements an innovative aluminium block and specific intake and exhaust systems which have been optimised to enhance the sports appeal of the car even further. In addition, it boasts cutting-edge technical solutions including direct fuel injection, dual continuous variable valve timing system, a turbocharger and a revolutionary scavenging control system that gets rid of any turbo lag.
In line with the search to achieve as much lightness as possible, the 4C's engine weighs 22 kg less than that of the Giulietta Quadrifoglio Verde. Helping reach this goal is the aluminium block with die-cast inserts that not only is lighter, but also contributes toward improving the rigidity of the engine and reducing its vibrations (fewer vibrations were obtained also by using a crankshaft with eight counterweights, which allows the maximum rpm to be increased).
To optimise performance, emissions and oil consumption, the cylinder head intake ducts were redesigned, as were the cylinder liners, which today are made of a special cast iron that is thinner. The pistons have new segmenting with reduced load.
'Scavenging' technology
The Alfa Romeo 4C's advanced 'scavenging' technology maximises torque at low engine speeds and delivers more power in response to driver input. The control unit determines valve overlap times and angles with great precision to create a through-flow of air from the inlet manifold to the exhaust manifold. By improving the scavenging
of the combustion chamber, this direct flow increases combustion efficiency and turbine speed and reduces turbo-lag.
To complement the 'scavenging' technology, the engine is also equipped with a new generation turbocharger and a pulse converter exhaust manifold that exploits pressure waves to boost torque at low engine speeds. The manifold and the turbine are made from microcast
steel and designed to operate at very high temperatures (over 1000°) - a pre-requisite to low fuel consumption
on medium-high speed motorway journeys. The wastegate valve
is another helpful device for engine efficiency. This adjusts turbo pressure using control logic
which varies to suit driving conditions, minimising pumping losses.
After-Run Pump
Like all top competition cars, the Alfa Romeo 4C uses an automatic cool-down system to protect its turbocharger. Switching off the engine would normally cause the immediate stoppage of oil circulation, leaving the oil in the turbocharger to stagnate at very high temperatures. The thermal stress suffered by the oil in this way causes a loss of lubricating capacity and also leads to the formation of residues that can damage the engine. To prevent this, Alfa Romeo has introduced an after-run pump. This electric pump is automatically controlled by the ECU and keeps oil circulating through the turbocharger until it has cooled sufficiently.

• 6-speed Alfa TCT dual dry clutch transmission
• New gear change management software
• New Launch Control for standing starts
Power alone could never deliver the superb performance of the Alfa Romeo 4C. An advanced transmission system is needed to control it. The 4C is equipped with an Alfa TCT 6-speed gearbox with dual dry clutch, a solution that combines the instant power of a sequential shift with all the convenience of an automatic.
A true point of reference of the category due to its low weight and extreme speed of actuation, the gears can be changed in sequential mode using the shift paddles located behind the steering wheel. In detail, the transmission works like two gearboxes in parallel, each with its own clutch. The next gear is selected while the previous gear is still engaged, eliminating all discontinuity in power transmission.
The Alfa TCT gearbox has been optimised for the Alfa Romeo supercar. The 4C's special clutch features all-new control software that ensures the fastest possible gear shifts under all conditions. Gearshifts are more aggressive in the sporting performance modes, and drivers can clearly feel the new gear engaging, as on a racing car. On bends, on the other hand, gearshifts are completed in the smoothest way possible to avoid reducing stability.
The Alfa Romeo 4C is also fitted with Launch Control for easy high performance standing starts. Launch Control is activated by pressing the brake pedal while pushing the accelerator pedal all the way down and squeezing the paddle on the left of the steering wheel. As soon as you release the brake, the system automatically controls the gearbox, traction and power to maximise acceleration.

• From 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.5 seconds flat and 258 km/h of top speed
• Deceleration peaks in the range of 1.2 g and lateral acceleration peaks over 1.1 g
• New Alfa DNA selector with 'Race' mode
You look at it and you like it: wide tyres, low ride and a well-balanced aggressive style. It is beautiful. But that's not all. You hear the engine and it excites you with its full and convincing mechanical sound. So there is nothing left to do except sit down behind the wheel, engage first gear and give yourself time and pleasure, because that is what it is all about: becoming familiar with direct controls immediate responses.
The Alfa Romeo 4C offers even the most expert driver extraordinary performance and sensations: from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.5 seconds flat, 258 km/h of top speed, deceleration peaks in the range of 1.2 g and lateral acceleration peaks over 1.1 g. All this is also achieved with a balanced weight distribution, with 40% on the front axle and 60% on the rear.
Something else that is essential is keeping the unsuspended mass as low as possible. In a hypothetical run around the track, it is necessary to ensure that the wheels grip the terrain for as long as possible, which is to the full benefit of road hold and the longitudinal and transverse accelerations.
If these principles bring about the excellent dynamic qualities of the 4C, there is one characteristic enduringly connected to every Alfa Romeo: ease in recognising one of the brand's models through other senses. So it is not only eye-catching, but the sound of the engine - which has been emphasised with low frequencies and the classic roar of the exhaust - and the enveloping seat designed so that the driver 'feels' the car also create its unique identity.
'Body' perceptions are felt inside and even more so - with an added thrill - at the wheel. The brake, for example, can be modulated when loaded to get the necessary feedback even in the most demanding braking situations. Steering, which has to convey as much 'feel' as possible is unassisted, progressive and 'genuine', and the accelerator is ready to handle exits from curves with as much acceleration as possible.
Like all the latest-generation Alfa Romeos, the 4C as well is equipped with the DNA selector. This device lets the driver change the car's temperament to adapt it to the conditions it is subjected to at the moment.
In addition to the three settings available up until today - Dynamic, Natural and All Weather - the device built for the Alfa Romeo supercar has a fourth mode: 'Race', designed to enhance the driving experience on a track even further.
Race is the most extreme performance mode, and is engaged by moving the mode selector to 'Dynamic' position and holding it there for 5 seconds. Alfa Race mode puts you in total control of your car under race conditions. By minimising the interventions of electronic systems, it leaves you, the driver, in complete control. In this situation, ESC stability control remains inactive and only intervenes to ensure stability under harsh braking. ASR does not intervene either on the acceleration or braking, leaving
you to control traction through the accelerator pedal alone. Alfa's Q2 electronic differential control system, on the other hand, remains active, as it is essential to permitting fast exits from bends.
Performance changes with the 'Dynamic' mode, which configures the car to deliver great driving performance. Engine control parameters are configured to respond quickly to accelerator input and the Alfa TCT gearbox selects a rapid action program to reduce gear shift times by up to 25%. The ESC system permits a certain angle of drift and only intervenes if steering wheel position and drift angle could put the car at risk.
Press the Alfa DNA selector to switch to 'Natural' mode, designed for everyday use. Gearshift parameters are configured for maximum comfort and smoothness. In manual mode, the Alfa TCT transmission makes up for loss of driver concentration. The Auto-Up function shifts up to the next gear when engine speed approaches the permitted limit, while the Auto-Down function shifts down as soon as engine speed falls below 1000 rpm. Finally, the Alfa Q2 differential operates in soft mode and only cuts in if one of the rear wheels suffers a significant loss of grip.
Finally, all you have to do is switch the selector to 'All Weather' mode to ensure maximum safety
under adverse weather conditions. With this setting the car responds to accelerator input very gently. The ASR system selects special engine and brake control logic and, in the event of loss of grip, modifies power to match road speed and prevent skidding that could otherwise be difficult to control.

• Sports suspension with superimposed wishbones and advanced MacPherson
• Ventilated disc braking system: from 100 to 0 km/h in just 36 metres
• Different diameter tyres: 17”-18” or 18”-19”
• Steering ratio: 90% of bends without ever taking your hands off the steering wheel
In addition to its absolute performance, the handling of the Alfa Romeo 4C makes it one of a kind. You can fully enjoy the car in all situations, and not only during extreme use on the track, thanks to its feel and ease of driving at top levels. Sport suspensions, self-ventilated brake discs, different diameter tyres and direct steering: an advanced ride control system able to keep weight down to a minimum has been designed for the 4C.
Sports suspension
The suspension adopts race-derived technical solutions to optimise performance and deliver unrivalled driving pleasure. A superimposed wishbone system is used on the front of the Alfa Romeo 4C. The wishbones are secured directly on the monocoque and comprise a coaxial spring-shock absorber assembly, tubular control arms and anti-roll bar, all lightweight and efficient.
An Advanced MacPherson geometry has been adopted on the rear to ensure superb road holding and driving fun, even in the most extreme manoeuvres. More specifically, hysteresis of the suspension has been improved with the side-load spring and the support plate of the shock absorber spring at the same time forming the upper constraint of the strut. In this way both height from ground and weight have been reduced, all to the benefit of grip and precision, even at high speeds.
Braking system
The braking system of the Alfa Romeo 4C excels in terms of effectiveness and reliability, even in the most extreme driving conditions. The car can be braked from 100 to 0 km/h in just 36 metres. Merit for this goes to the hybrid self-ventilating, perforated discs complete with Brembo caliper on the front with aluminium bell and cast iron ring gear. This is technology patented by SHW and it guarantees up to 2 kg of reduced weight per disc and improved braking. Moreover, the sophisticated brushed surface finish technology increases grip and feel of the pedal, while the innovative release system between disc and bell provides more comfortable and safer braking. Special steel radial pins handle the difference in thermal expansion between cast iron and aluminium and accurately transmit the braking motion.
Different diameter tyres
The search for the greatest possible grip also led to the selection of different diameter tyres, 17"-18" or 18"-19", larger on the back to satisfy the need for greater grip on the axle where the traction works.
As it is entirely mechanical, therefore without power steering, steering with plasticised links contributes to limiting the total weight of the car and ensures a direct driving feeling for the driver. The steering ratio (16.2) is also such as to allow 90% of bends to be taken without ever taking your hands off the steering wheel.

• 4C workshops at the Maserati plant in Modena
• Watchwords: advanced technology and top quality craftsmanship
Alfa Romeo decided to produce the 4C supercar at the Maserati plant in Modena, where it set up the 4C Workshops inside, areas dedicated to the 'bodyshell' and 'assembly' operations. The 'testing' and 'finishing' areas, on the other hand, are shared with Maserati production. Here, the focus is always on evolved technology and top quality craftsmanship, a combination that leads to the production of cars that are truly unique in technical solutions and attention to detail.
'Gems' of technology and styling like the Quattroporte, Granturismo and Grancabrio have come off these lines in just the last decade, as did the fascinating Alfa Romeo 8C even more recently. It was the first time that the Maserati plant opened up its doors to another brand, one particularly similar to Maserati in terms of tradition and ambition.
Considering the past and recent background, it was natural that the Fiat Group would look to Modena for the standard production of the Alfa Romeo 4C, too. It is a car that starting from its structure comes out of the blend of the highest technology and the most meticulous attention that only man can guarantee. This is a manufacturing philosophy that is an integral part of the DNA of the Maserati plant in Modena.
Here innovation first of all blends together with the passion of the people, which manifests itself in rigour and the determination to do a good job. It is precisely the operator's touch that adds value to the product, and so much so that the operating methods of this plant are far removed from the logic of 'mass production' to enter into a definitely more handmade dimension. Suffice it to say that the minimum 'takt time’ – the production speed necessary to guarantee delivery – is 20 minutes. This figure illustrates the peculiarity of this factory when compared to the “mass production plants” where the shortest ‘takt time’ is in the order of 50 seconds.
The fundamental role played by human talent, considered as the wealth of technical skills and craftsmanship, becomes clear at this point. They are all very young men and women, expert operators, with an average age of 29 and of whom 60% hold a diploma or university degree, and whose experience is on the average over 5 years on Maserati models. These people make up a true elite of production professionals who can work with full knowledge even on 40 different stations and perform activities requiring from 20 to 40 minutes. This means they are fully rounded mechanics who practically master the entire production flow.
'Bodyshell' area
This is where the primary structure of the Alfa Romeo 4C is assembled, first creating the body in white of the car, and then putting on the preliminary 'skins'. In taking a closer look, the operators at station 10 of the line join the carbon fibre monocoque to the two chassis, front and rear, and to the crossmembers. It is an operation done by hand, and during the entire process compliance of parameters like the 'angle torque' of the tightenings, guaranteeing that the connected components stay forever joined even in the most demanding conditions of use, is checked.
Shortly further on, at station 30, the cell of the car is closed by fitting the windscreen frame and roof. The peculiarity of this operation lies in the special templates used to give the passenger compartment cell the right geometry. The joints are made of high-tech chemical polymer materials and are reinforced with mechanical joints.
Metrological room
Once the bodyshell stage is finished, the Alfa Romeo 4C body in white faces up to quality control in the metrological room. Every day a few bodies taken as samples undergo highly precise measurement. The dedicated team checks more than 400 measurement points to be sure that the body is perfect on the geometric and dimensional level. No room is left for tolerance in this process: the measurements have to give results compliant with the project.
Painting and Assembly
The stage following the bodyshell stage is painting. It is the only process that is performed outside the Maserati plant. Once they have been painted, the bodies in white return 'to be circulated' on the Alfa Romeo 4C. One point must be stressed: the new compact supercar is the only car that starts its assembly phase with 'disassembly'. In fact, before assembling the internal components at station 1, the car returns to its primary structure by removing the already painting 'skins', like the bonnet and doors, and the structural parts, like the rear beams and dome bar. It is only at this point that it is fastened to the rotating carrier.
The professional expertise of the operator is at the heart of the entire process in this area. That is why the work station and the entire logistics system have been built around the operators' activities. All the components needed to produce the 4C arrive at the various stations in the right quantities, at the right place, and at the right time. For example, there are no useless or unnatural movements at station 2. The car is lifted or turned to always offer the side where operations are carried out at the right height. All this is a guarantee of quality and offers the people the chance to practise their manual dexterity in the best possible way.
Also operations like window assembly, carried out by robots elsewhere, are given over to the care and attention of people. This as well is an exclusive peculiarity of the 4C production process. And that’s not all. Many of the subassemblies of the car - lights and dashboard, for example - are assembled here at the factory, unlike what takes place at other industrial sites where they arrive already pre-assembled by the suppliers. These are all aspects that make a profound impact on the perceived and real quality of the finished product.
Testing area, road testing and finishing
Testing is the only stage of the production process entrusted to technology since it is necessary to objectify the quality of performance. The systems rigorously check every single detail of the car, from optimum operation of the climate control system to the setting of the mechanical components and dynamic behaviour.
After they have passed the testing area, all the 4Cs produced undergo a 40-km road test driven by an expert test driver. This is another practice typical of the most prestigious supercars. The team of test drivers is a major point of pride for the plant. All team members are expert drivers, passionately about sports driving and racing, and are exemplary professionals.
The production flow of the Alfa Romeo 4C almost reaches the end when the cars arrive at the Finishing area, where they undergo the final set-up operations before moving on to commercial logistics to go onto the market.

• An 'essential' model for 'driving purists' is available in all markets
• Mopar accessories and merchandising products
• Authorised Alfa Care 4C Service Centres
• Interactive video configurator
An unforgettable experience and driving pleasure will be the themes dominating the commercial launch of the Alfa Romeo 4C that, starting from October, can be ordered in all Alfa Romeo dealerships in Europe.
An 'essential' model for 'driving purists' will be available in all markets to exalt the driving experience to the utmost. It will be offered standard with evolved DNA selector, instrument panel with TFT technology and turbo pressure, oil temperature and Gmeter gauges, sporty fabric seats, leather steering wheel with shift paddles, alloy wheels (17" in front, 18" in the rear), grey brake calipers and twin exhaust pipes.
Customers can then decide to further personalise their cars by selecting from either an exclusive collection of accessories made by Mopar®, the Parts & Service and Customer Care Division of the Fiat and Chrysler Groups, or a rich list of optionals including the Racing Pack (racing set-up, racing exhaust system, AR RACING tyres, 18/19'' 5-hole wheels, sports steering wheel in leather with microfibre insert and red stitching) and the Luxury Pack (mixed leather and microfibre sports seats with red stitching, carbon fibre Bi-LED headlights).
Mopar accessories and merchandising products
Mopar has made a large number of accessories for the Alfa Romeo 4C that harmoniously blend with the technical and styling features of this supercar. To name just a few, there are the 17" to 19" black, grey or diamond black wheels, rear spoiler made of composite material or carbon fibre, black, red or yellow brake calipers, carbon fibre or chrome-plated door mirror fairings, carbon fibre dashboard and coloured engine cover. The optionals sold by Mopar in the aftermarket include the carbon fibre headlights, 18"-19" larger wheels, racing exhaust tailpipe or racing set-up - including rear anti-roll bar and springs, shock absorbers and front anti-roll bar with specific calibration - that can be matched with race tyres specially developed with Pirelli.
Along with the collaboration of the Alfa Romeo Centro Stile, Mopar has come up with an exclusive merchandising collection inspired by the compact 4C supercar, presented for the first time at the 2013 Geneva International Motor Show. Today this valuable series is joined by a number of new top-quality products such as the ‘long board’ with 100% carbon fibre structure designed on an exclusive basis for the brand and made using materials and lines typical of Alfa's DNA; the sporty red 4C sweatshirt with hood personalised with rich embroidery work and the backpack sporting a unique design and made of a waterproof fabric, complete with roomy pockets and a special device that increases its capacity. We also find the pen designed exclusively for the 4C, inspired by its aggressive lines and made with the same materials used on the car, such as carbon and aluminium.
These new products join the already rich 4C collection that includes various types of item: these include the more iconic, able to express the brand’s image and the content of its DNA to the full, such as the aluminium luge and the carbon sunglasses. Then there are those designed with fashion and lifestyle in mind, such as the high-impermeability raincoat, the carbon-brushed sweatshirt with softshell inserts. A more technological area is occupied by the ski or snowboard goggles with GPS connection for augmented reality. The car-shaped USB drive and the carbon cover for iPhone or iPad, on the other hand, are more geared towards fun.
Authorised Alfa Care 4C Service Centres
Qualified and trained personnel, specific diagnosis and repair tools, plus high levels of service. The 4C Service Network is born. It is a specialised service structure that will be present with Authorised 4C Service Centres throughout the EMEA area that can be contacted by dialling a dedicated freephone number: 00 800 2532 4200.
The freephone number is available for providing technical and service information and for activating the roadside assistance supplied by the Authorised Centres, as are the routine maintenance and repair operations. And it is precisely repairs on which the chief new services focus.
The 4C is a 'special' car that is the fruit of innovative technologies and materials that require a targeted and highly professional approach, especially on the carbon fibre monocoque, aluminium components and SMC body.
More specifically, a special Diagnostics Centre has been created for the monocoque in Turin, which supports the 4C Service Centres in diagnosis and repair work. The facility boasts the professional expertise of a team of 'flying doctors' that can reach the 4C to be repaired at every Service Centre of the EMEA area if necessary, who analyse any damage the carbon fibre structure has sustained using radiographic and resonance technologies. In the case of slight or medium damage, they are equipped to make repairs on site. If, on the other hand, the damage is serious, the flying doctors opt to replace the monocoque at the Service Centre to which the customer turned.
The Alfa Care 4C Service Centres are also equipped to replace and repair aluminium beams. In detail, a repair system has been created for the rear beam, which is more complex to replace because it also houses the engine mountings. Repair requires that the damaged sections be cut and replaced, and that the parts be sealed with special adhesives that reproduce the cold welding effect.
Service Centre technicians are also able to repair slight or medium damages of the SMC parts of the body by using special instruments.
Interactive video configurator
The threshold of innovation in the field of online car configurators is moving even farther forward on the occasion of the Alfa Romeo 4C's launch. The website contains an interactive video configurator that lets users personalise their supercars in a multimedia context filled with atmosphere.
In particular, the entire process of configuring the 4C is displayed in an interactive film clip in which the selections made by the users - like changing the colour of the body, selecting elements like wheels and headlights, for example - affect the contents in real time without interrupting the video. While changing its appearance during execution, the car plays the starring role in the film clip and offers users a 3D and dynamic visual perception of their choices.
What makes the Alfa Romeo 4C unlike all the rest is the presence of an actual virtual control booth that lets users personalise their experience and share it with their friends. They can freely select detailed video sheets on the car's specifications that enrich the video with stimulating cinema-style cuts to turn every configuration into a personalised video edited as one likes.
It is an international project developed by Wedoo, the leading digital agency in the market and in online configurator innovation. By combining video shots, interactive computer graphics and the most innovative texture mapping and animation technologies, an experience of high visual and emotional impact has been created for the Alfa Romeo 4C. It is a blend of technological innovation and profound knowledge of the world and automotive culture, the ideal way for turning the brand's values and the spirit of the new Alfa Romeo 4C supercar into online emotions.