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Diatto Zagato V8

СообщениеДобавлено: Пт фев 09, 2007 2:58 pm
На Женевском автошоу ожидается показ построенной на заказ Diatto V8 Zagato.
Пока все подробности здесь
http://www.italiaspeed.com/2007/motor_s ... /0902.html

P.S. Похоже carrozzeria снова открыли для себя забытую нишу - изготовление на заказ машин в единичных экземплярах.
В прошлом году Пининфарина построила на базе Феррари: 612 Scaglietti “K” by Pininfarina и P4-5 by Pininfarina.
В 2003 Castagna отстроила на базе 575 - Rosselini
Загато в 2006 возродила 575 GTZ Zero на базе Феррари и показала свои возможности на примере Aprilia Sport, которую построили по 2 сохранившимся ч/б фотографиям.
Может и до Альфы доберутся, только стоить это будет оооочччень дорого, разве, что на базе 8С

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт фев 13, 2007 7:32 pm

Diatto by Zagato - Ottovù Project
The Geneva motor show goes on - the by now classic tradition of passionate clients
of exclusive car manufacturers, which has always stimulated the creativity of the
Italian vehicle body makers and enhanced international motor shows.
On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Diatto brand, two keen collectors
turned to Zagato with the aspiration of resurrecting past collaboration. Way back in
1921, Ugo Zagato designed a lightweight and aerodynamic body for the Diatto 25
4DS chassis.
In 2007, the Milanese Atelier with its typically rationalist approach to a project,
revamps, with a sporty note, the artistry of one of the most historical brands of the
Italian automotive industry: Diatto.
Created in 1835 with a Perfected Wheel patent, Diatto made their first car in 1905 and
often crossed paths with Zagato in their close collaboration with Ettore Bugatti, the
Maserati brothers and Tazio Nuvolari.
И одновременно сайт


СообщениеДобавлено: Вт фев 13, 2007 8:20 pm
многострадальный мазер купе, как его только не перелицовывалт

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср фев 14, 2007 11:00 pm
Морда в американском стиле, особенно воздухозаборники. Чем-то Понтиаки напоминает старые :-)

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт фев 27, 2007 12:45 am
In 2007, the Milanese Atelier with its typically rationalist approach to a project,
revamps, with a sporty note, the artistry of one of the most historical brands of the
Italian automotive industry: Diatto.
Created in 1835 with a Perfected Wheel patent, Diatto made their first car in 1905 and
often crossed paths with Zagato in their close collaboration with Ettore Bugatti, the
Maserati brothers and Tazio Nuvolari.
The bodywork of the two new grand touring cars is entirely made of aluminium, one
of Zagato’s strengths, valued and recognised far and wide by the most demanding
collectors. The lids are moulded in a single piece to underline the freedom that a nonindustrial
approach to the product still allows.
The smooth but clear-cut lines characterise the generous and at the same time
compact dimensions, typical of the most admired pure Italian sports cars, making
them a cult for fans all over the world.
Reminiscent of the legendary Zagato Ottovù, these first two grand touring cars will
be an "Instant Classic" in shape and contents.
The trilobal front and rear of the vehicles recall the design of the Diatto competition
cars that have raced to victory more than 300 times on circuits all over Europe.
Particular care has been taken with the interior and the exclusive design and
functionality of the rear of the vehicle, so as to provide enhanced passenger comfort.
The luggage compartment, immediately behind the seats and also visible through the
rear window, recalls the by now traditional solutions of the Milanese Atelier.
In the third millennium, following the successful Aston Martin GTZ series and the allround
appreciation for the Ferrari 575GTZ, Zagato Atelier reasserts its original
approach to the automotive world by producint collector’s items that maintain and
increase their value over time.
Diatto By Zagato – Ottovù Project
Engine: 8V 4600 CC, Powered By Roush
Power: over 500HP

Так что мотор не Мазеровский, он просто слишком дорогой.
Ford V8 :D

СообщениеДобавлено: Вт мар 06, 2007 7:45 pm

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср мар 07, 2007 12:54 pm
Салон пошлый какой-то!!!

СообщениеДобавлено: Ср мар 07, 2007 3:59 pm
Vital_156_2 TS
Emir писал(а):Салон пошлый какой-то!!!

Согласен, хотя говорят что на вкус и цвет............, но по мне так :smt078